
Residence Inn Cork City | Marriott Hotels Guide

Residence Inn Cork City

Residence Inn Cork City

The Residence Inn Cork City is a long-stay hotel that offers travelers the comfort of home. Its spacious suites feature a modern and flexible design, allowing guests to maintain their usual lifestyle.

The hotel boasts comprehensive amenities such as a fitness center and pool, as well as outdoor spaces for relaxation and socializing. At Residence Inn, you can expand the possibilities of your journey and enjoy new encounters and discoveries.

The page provides monthly trends in accommodation rates for Residence Inn Cork City, including the points required for point-based stays, hotel location, phone number, parking information, check-in/check-out times, and details about rooms, lounges, pools, and spas based on our actual visits to the hotel. Additionally, at the end of the page, you'll find country-specific information about the hotel's location (currency, time zone, entry requirements, plug shapes, safety of tap water for drinking, etc.). Please use this valuable information as a reference before making reservations at Residence Inn Cork City.

Residence Inn Cork CityAccommodation fee / points

The displayed hotel rates and points are based on prices from the Marriott official site for a reservation with 2 adults and 1 room. Due to significant price fluctuations, consider them as a reference before booking.
EuroFeb ‘25Mar ‘25Apr ‘25May ‘25Jun ‘25Jul ‘25Aug ‘25Sep ‘25Oct ‘25Nov ‘25Dec ‘25Jan ‘26
MinEUR 215EUR 176EUR 167EUR 202EUR 246EUR 228EUR 246EUR 228EUR 192EUR 202EUR 176EUR 192
MaxEUR 322EUR 332EUR 294EUR 256EUR 307EUR 281EUR 281EUR 256EUR 352EUR 264EUR 247EUR 264
AverageEUR 255EUR 218EUR 225EUR 228EUR 257EUR 252EUR 254EUR 237EUR 254EUR 229EUR 208EUR 243
PointFeb ‘25Mar ‘25Apr ‘25May ‘25Jun ‘25Jul ‘25Aug ‘25Sep ‘25Oct ‘25Nov ‘25Dec ‘25Jan ‘26
Check the lowest price at Marriott
Marriott Marriott Bonvoy Official Check the price of Residence Inn Cork City About 10K Hotels and Resorts. For Marriott hotel reservations, visit the official Marriott website for the best deals.


CountryRepublic of Ireland
Time DifferenceUTC +0
DST +1
Time Difference based on regional capitals


CountryRepublic of Ireland
Calling code353
Country Code2LetterIE
Capital CityDublin
Daylight Saving TimeImplemented

Daylight saving time runs from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October.

CurrencyEuro [EUR]
1 EUR / 1.05 USDFeb 18th 2025
Outlet TypeF (SE)
Tap WaterSafe to drink

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